Clark Shoes Are The BEST Shoes To Keep Happy Feet

Clark cloudsteppers

Clark Shoes Are The BEST Shoes To Keep Happy Feet!  Have you seen this store? Clark Shoes?  It’s rare to find them in a mall unless you are searching the displays at Macy’s or Nordstroms.

I’ve worn Clark Sandals for years and never had a reason to buy their regular shoes until I had to work 8 hours on my feet.  I tried other shoes that promised feet relief…but NO. Didn’t work.

Then I was at the outlet mall near Palm Springs and saw these black shoes that said, “Clouds” – curious I opened them and put them on.


Yes.  Clouds.  I walked on clouds that day.  So I bought them.  I don’t even think I looked at the price tag (I always check price before I consider buying!!) (Let me repeat that – ALWAYS!)  This time I didn’t even look.

I actually worried that they may be good now, or at the store, but really? After 8 hours – how will I feel?

The next day I wore them to work – 9 hours.  9.  I even walk 30 mins in and 30 mins out.  So that is actually 10 hours on my feet.  And guess what??  My feet were happy!!

Happy feet!!

Clark brand – you Sold me forever!!!

Here is a video of me sharing the truth!!

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